Happy Summer 2024 

A new beginning with a bit of news to update the website and get us going again. A letter from your Rector updating you on what has been happening in the last 4 months and some images of the latest working party at Christ Church.  

A link to the Restoration of the Steeple Service held a month ago. Thank you to all involved! 

A stalwart team wielding shovels and rakes redistributed a load of soil to further enhance the burial ground at Christ Church, Woodstock on a beautiful summer evening. Again a heartfelt vote of thanks to all involved in this  project as we continue to keep the resting place of our loved ones in the best possible condition 

As we move forward with things technical,  we shall be looking for someone who can help us manage the uploading of information  and creation of posts for the Website so we can keep you informed as fully as possible and celebrate all God has given and is doing through his faithful people in the Parish. If you might be that key person please have a chat with the Rector or the Wardens

Watch this space for further information and links as we develop the site further.

May God grant you a restful and peaceful summer.